The prophet Muhammed (pbuh) had to fight nine battles in all, Badr, Uhud, The Trench, Bani Al Mustaliq, Khaybar, The Conquest of Makkah, Hunain and Al Ta'if, of which the first 3, were the principle ones, the rest being more in nature of skirmishes when a general state of war prevailsbest illustrate the principle in question. For thirteen logn years the Prophet and his Companions were the victims of inhuman persecutions at the hand of the people of Makkah, an historical fact admitted by friend and foe.
he suffered all that without retaliation. when however, things reached a pitch when his life itself was in imminent danger, some safeguard became necessary. The very night when the conspirators plotted to do away with him, he managed to escape with his life to Madinah, in the company of his devoted friend Abou Bakr. But his enemies did not leave him alone even in this far off refuge, 150 miles from Makkah.
Jealous of his success in his new place of sojourn, they maderepeated efforts to nip the tender plant of Islam in the bud. In all these battles, the locality of the battlefield is a decisive factor which shows that the Muslims were constrained to resort to the swort in sheer self defence.
The first war was fought at Badr, 120 miles from Makkah, the enemies headquarters and 30 miles from Madinah. The strength of the contending parties was also indicative, the Muslims were outnumbered by more than 3 to 1.
When Makkah finally surrendered and was occupied by the Muslims not a drop of blood was spilled, the vanquished, who had spared no ingenuity in inflicting torture on the Muslims, the ring leaders of the deadly opposition, tormentors,pressors and assassins, lay wholely at the mercy of the victors. No punishment would have been too severe for them according to modern military laws. But it was Muhammed, "The Spirit of Truth" who perfected the teachings of the preacher of the Sermon on the Mount, who leads people to "all truth". He illustrated in practice the precept of Jesus, "Love thine enemy".
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